
The effect of LGB gene polymorphism on milk productivity indicators of Kholmogorsky cows
Khudyakova N.A., Shchipakova E.N., Kashin A.S.
Allelic frequency of beta-lactoglobulin gene in different cattle breeds
Khudyakova N.A., Kozhevnikova I.S., Stupina A.O., Klassen I.A., Selkova I.V.
Nano-Selenium-Mediated Alterations in Lipid Profile, Liver and Renal Functions, and Protein Parameters in Male Lambs: An Experimental Study
Aljaf K.A., Bolshakova M.N.
Effect of biologically active substances on hematological status of cows
Slashchilina T.V., Shaposhnikov I.T., Aristov A.V., Marmurova O.M., Kotsarev V.N.
New perspective hulled spring oat lines in Omsk agricultural research center
Nikolaev P.N., Yusova O.A., Vasyukevich S.V.
Detection of genes associated with qualitative characteristics of gluten
Al-Azawi N.M., Abed Z.A., Al-Issawi M.
Tolokonnikov V.V., Chamurliev G.O., Kantser G.P., Koshkarova T.S., Kozhukhov I.V.
Morphological substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of protein hydrolyzate in the mink industry
Abramov P.N., Slesarenko N.A.
Accumulation of biochemical substances in grass sward on different types of deposit
Olive Adiko -., Somene Anzh Erik -., Shuravilin A.V., Semenov N.A.
Incubatory qualities of white shell eggs of hens with the different ratio of weight and volume
Nikishov A.A., Rania Ahmed Hassan Ahmed -.
Meat quality improvement of black-and-white cattle by crossing with beef simmentals
Prokhorov I.P., Gubina A.V.
Promising two-row covered cultivars for increasing yield and quality of barley grain in conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia
Nikolayev P.N., Yusova O.A.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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