Issue |
Title |
File |
No 5 (2013) |
Microbiological diagnostics of problematic environmental situations at the recreational natural facilities |
Mosina L.V., Dovletyarova E.A.
No 4 (2015) |
Microbiological evaluation of forestry and forested ecosystem |
Mosina L.V., Dovletyarova E.A., Petrovskaya P.A.
Vol 12, No 4 (2017) |
Abdullaeva A.M., Seryogin I.G., Nikitchenko V.E.
Vol 12, No 1 (2017) |
Microbiological nutrient media the new format in the veterinary-sanitary assessment food and raw materials of animal origin |
Egorova I.Y., Nikitchenko V.E., Nikitchenko D.V., Chernysheva A.N., Rystsova E.O.
No 4 (2012) |
Micromorphology and endocrine function thyroid gland lactating female rabbits at endogenous introduction of various forms of selenium |
Chekurov I.V., Abramova L.L.
No 2 (2013) |
Micro-organisms causing plant quarantine bacterial diseases in Russia |
Karimova E.V., Shneyder Y.A., Zaets V.G., Smirnova I.P.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
Microsatellite analysis of Kalmyk cattle |
Ubushieva V.S., Gorlov I.F., Chimidova N.V., Ubushieva A.V.
Vol 16, No 2 (2021) |
Model of monitoring of oil soil pollution and its termination |
Germanova S.E., Magdeeva T.V., Pliushchikov V.G.
No 1 (2008) |
Modern condition of cereals manufacture in Central Federal District |
Jarov A.N.
No 4 (2013) |
Modern condition of tomatoes production in EU |
Zharov A.N., Zharova L.L.
No 1 (2008) |
Modern condition of vegetables manufacture in the Russian Federation |
Jarov A.N., Jarova L.L., Popov V.P.
No 2 (2008) |
Modern problems of agro industrial co-operation in Russia |
Pizen golts V.M.
Vol 16, No 4 (2021) |
Modified materials based on layered minerals as ameliorants for the remediation of podzol in the industrial barren |
Ivanova T.K., Slukovskaya M.V., Mosendz I.A., Krasavtseva E.A., Maksimova V.V., Kanareykina I.P., Shirokaya A.A., Kremenetskaya I.P.
Vol 15, No 2 (2020) |
Moisture consumption by plum seedlings under drip irrigation in the Central Nonchernozem zone of Russia |
Dubenok N.N., Gemonov A.V., Lebedev A.V.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Molecular analysis of gibberellin receptor gene GID1 in Dasypyrum villosum and development of DNA marker for its identification |
Razumova O.V., Bazhenov M.S., Nikitina E.A., Nazarova L.A., Romanov D.V., Chernook A.G., Sokolov P.A., Kuznetsova V.M., Semenov O.G., Karlov G.I., Kharchenko P.N., Divashuk M.G.
Vol 17, No 1 (2022) |
Molecular Analysis of Parasitoid Flies Tachinidae |
Arafa E.E.
Vol 18, No 2 (2023) |
Molecular biological marker BCL-2: testis analysis in prenatal injection of estrogen to white laboratory mice |
Sulaimanova R.T., Kvochko A.N.
Vol 14, No 4 (2019) |
Molecular identification of Ditylenchus destructor nematode with PCR Species-Specific primers in the Moscow region |
Mahmoudi N., Naserzadeh Y., Pakina E.N., Limantceva L.A., Nejad D.K.
No 4 (2016) |
Monitoring, Restoration and Maintenance of Aged Trees in Summer and Mikhailovsky Gardens of St. Petersburg |
Cherdantseva O.A., Lukmazova E.A., Dmitrieva A.G., Dubrovina T.A.
Vol 17, No 1 (2022) |
Monitoring the state of woody plants in railway impact zone in the Kola Polar region |
Sviatkovskaya E.A., Saltan N.V., Umanets M.S., Trostenyuk N.N.
No 3 (2011) |
Moral and legal education of the veterinary and sanitary specialists |
Seregin I.G., Usha B.V., Nikitchenko V.E.
Vol 12, No 4 (2017) |
Yamtitina M.N., Antipas B.B., Makarov V.V.
No 2 (2014) |
Morfobiologic characteristic genotypes of spring wheat forms allocytoplasmatic according to their level of stress tolerance to drought |
Semenov O.G., Mohammed T.K.
Vol 13, No 2 (2018) |
Morphobiological features of buck lambs by using high protein extruded food |
Chamurliev N.G., Mandzhieva M.V.
No 1 (2009) |
Morphofunctional characteristcs of lymphonodes kastrated nutria |
Suntsova N.А.
Vol 19, No 2 (2024) |
Morphofunctional parameters of the immune system of chickens after dissemination of bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
Lenchenko E.M., Tolmacheva G.S., Kulikov E.V.
No 2 (2012) |
Morphogenesis of excretory system of rabbit's mammary gland under the influence of «E-selenium» and «Selenolin®» preparations |
Anipko V.V., Abramova L.L.
No 4 (2013) |
Morphological analysis of the regulation of inorganic selenium thyroid function productive rabbit females |
Chekurov I.V.
No 4 (2008) |
Morphological and biochemical indicators morfho-functional disturbances in a cals liver at early post-natal period |
Shcheglov A.V.
No 1 (2014) |
Morphological and commodity value of broiler chickens ‘Smena 7’ |
Nikitchenko D.V., Nikitchenko A.V., Perevozchikova V.N.
Vol 13, No 2 (2018) |
Morphological and qualitative indicators of broiler cross of cockerels “Cobb 500” |
Nikitchenko V.E., Nikitchenko D.V., Fedotov V.A., Egorov I.A., Egorova T.V.
No 4 (2013) |
Morphological changes in peripheral nervous system of sheep in nitrate intoxication |
Shakirova S.M.
No 1 (2010) |
Morphological characteristics of liver and mucosa of small intestine of piglets in the application of enrofloxacin and colistin |
Parshina V.I., Suleymanov S.M., Parshin P.A.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Morphological characteristics of testicular interstitial cell tumors in dogs |
Gazin A.A., Vatnikov Y.A., Abramova E.V.
No 3 (2016) |
Morphological composition of carcasses and muscle development of eland antelope |
Nikitchenko V.E., Nikitchenko D.V., Seregin I.G., Rystsova E.O.
Vol 12, No 2 (2017) |
Morphological composition of carcasses and muscle development of eland antelope |
Seryogin I.G., Nikitchenko D.V., Abdullayeva A.M.
Vol 18, No 1 (2023) |
Morphological criteria for Pipistrellus pygmaeus kidney indicators |
Karpenko E.N., Kharlan A.L., Zaitseva E.V.
No 4 (2009) |
Morphological features of alluvial meadow dark-coloured soils of delta of the river of Volga and their microstructure |
Krupnov V.A.
No 1 (2011) |
Morphological research of the pancreas of dogs and cats with use of the method of ultrasonic diagnostics |
Esina D.I., Pervuhina I.J., Seleznev S.B.
Vol 12, No 4 (2017) |
Badran A., Savin I.Y.
No 1 (2015) |
Morphological structure of the gastrointestinal tract of the rabbit |
Nikitchenko V.E., Naumova E.I., Shubber Saleha Saheb Mosa -.
No 2 (2014) |
Morphological study of the flowers and blossoms Sambucus nigra L. in the Moscow region |
Pavlova M.E., Terechin A.A., Istomina I.I.
Vol 13, No 1 (2018) |
Morphological substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of protein hydrolyzate in the mink industry |
Abramov P.N., Slesarenko N.A.
No 3 (2008) |
Morphology of mammary gland in doggesses during lactation period |
Pyshnenko N.I., Solovieva L.P.
No 4 (2012) |
Morphology of mammary gland lactating goats in age aspect |
Solovieva L.P., Remizova E.V.
Vol 18, No 1 (2023) |
Morphometric and chemical parameters of hen carcasses of ‘Smena 9’ cross raised under different conditions |
Kondrashkina K.M., Nikitchenko D.V., Nikitchenko V.E.
No 3 (2015) |
Morphometrics parameters of postembryonal ontogenetic stages of Sanicula europaea L. in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park |
Istomina I.I., Pavlova M.E., Terechin A.A.
Vol 17, No 4 (2022) |
Mycotoxicological monitoring of feed and its role in prevention of animal mycotoxicoses |
Dorozhkin V.I., Gerunov T.V., Simonova I.A., Gerunova L.K., Kryuchek Y.O., Tarasenko A.A., Chigrinski E.A.
Vol 18, No 2 (2023) |
Nano-Selenium-Mediated Alterations in Lipid Profile, Liver and Renal Functions, and Protein Parameters in Male Lambs: An Experimental Study |
Aljaf K.A., Bolshakova M.N.
No 5 (2013) |
Natural-defines approach to landscape transformation of the territories of industrial objects |
Zaykova E.Y.
No 4 (2008) |
New in bacteriophage's usage |
Seregin I.G., Flerova A.D., Linev S.V.
Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Factors of sustainable animal productivity: from genomics to therapy |
New perspective hulled spring oat lines in Omsk agricultural research center |
Nikolaev P.N., Yusova O.A., Vasyukevich S.V.
Vol 12, No 3 (2017) |
Afanasiev V.A., Nikishov A.A., Belov A.V., Kostitsina E.A.
No 2 (2011) |
New valuable plant species in phytoremediation of copper polluted lands |
Ivanova E.M., Volkov K.S., Kholodova V.P., Kuznetsov V.V.
No 3 (2010) |
New vector of the potato virus X - Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary |
Ali H.H., Keldish M.A., Pomaskov U.I.
No 3 (2008) |
Nitrates and nitrites in production vegetative |
Kojka S.A., Skorikov V.T.
Vol 12, No 1 (2017) |
Non-destructive methods of diagnostics of nitrogen provision of plants by optoelectronic system of plants monitoring |
Vvedenskaya A.V., Vvedenskiy V.V., Gins M.S., Khorokhorov A.M.
Vol 14, No 2 (2019) |
Nutrient removal and payback of mineral fertilizers by harvest of winter wheat varieties under technologies of different intensity levels |
Rebukh N.Y., Polityko P.M., Kapranov V.N., Kiselev E.F.
Vol 14, No 3 (2019) |
Nutritional value of vegetable Amaranthus tricolor L. seedlings grown in Moscow region |
Sergiev I.G., Todorova D.A., Gins V.K., Motyleva S.M., Gins E.M., Moskalev E.A.
Vol 15, No 1 (2020) |
Oat talgan as a source of antioxidants |
Sumina A.V., Polonsky V.I., Shaldaeva T.M., Shulbaeva M.T.
No 3 (2014) |
Obstetric and gynecological clinical examination of breeding stock cattle |
Sotnikov E.D., Vatnikov Y.A., Kulikov E.V.
No 2 (2008) |
Oil seed rape protection system in the modern cropping technology |
Shneider P.A., Zaets V.G., Dolgikh A.V., Sheina V.V.
No 3 (2014) |
On the correlation of pollen grain size and ploidy levels of genus Galium sect. platygalium |
Schanzer I.A., Elkordy A.A.
No 2 (2015) |
Ontogenesis of Corydalis intermedia (l.) Merat in the “Bitsevsky forest” natural and historical park |
Pavlova M.E., Istomina I.I., Terechin A.A.
Vol 12, No 1 (2017) |
Ontogenic spectrum of coenopopulations as indicator of species strategy under anthropogenic stress (on the example rare and protected plants of the natural and historical park “Bitsevsky forest”) |
Istomina I.I., Pavlova M.E., Terechin A.A.
Vol 13, No 1 (2018) |
Opportunities and prospects biosensor technologies for food analysis |
Butusov L.A., Chudinova G.K., Boruleva E.A., Kochneva M.V., Omelchenko V.I., Shorygina A.V., Alikberova T.A.
Vol 18, No 2 (2023) |
Optimization of basic tillage techniques on the slope landscapes in the Chechen Republic |
Nakhaev M.R., Astarkhanova T.S.
Vol 13, No 3 (2018) |
Ivanov V.M., Kubareva A.V.
Vol 12, No 2 (2017) |
Organic technology of tea production at Black sea coast of Krasnodar region |
Nagornyy V.D., Gresis V.O., Lyashko M.U.
No 3 (2010) |
Organization and executing of independent evaluation while ensuring agricultural crops yields |
Plustchikov V.G., Milashenko N.Z., Rogozhin M.V.
Vol 13, No 1 (2018) |
Organization of activities for conducting single state registry of real estate on the example of Moscow |
Sinenko V.A., Shiyapov T.I., Parpura D.I.
No 2 (2015) |
Organizational and functional lending model of sugar beet production in small farms |
Shaporova Y.G.
No 3 (2011) |
Osteomalacia in cattle and its influence on the development and milk production of posterity |
Afanasiev V.A., Nikishov A.A., Romanov E.S., Skarzhinsky A.I.
No 4 (2011) |
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